Why Is Video Marketing So Important?

Why Is Video Marketing So Important

Did you know that over 90% of consumers claim that watching videos has helped them grasp a product or service better? Or that 81% of marketers claim that video has directly increased their sales while 86% claim that video has helped them create leads? In case you didn’t, now you do! 

Video is the future, and in a few years’ time videos will make up more than 90% of all consumer internet traffic. I don’t know about you but that alone is compelling enough to jump on the bandwagon. Still not convinced? Here are 5 reasons why video marketing is so important.

1). Consumers Spend More Time Watching Videos

We’re living in the age of YouTube, Instagram Stories, TikTok, Webinars, Livestreams, and beyond. One thing is clear: video content reigns supreme. People watch around one billion videos every day on Pinterest and spend about 1 billion hours a day watching videos on YouTube, the second most visited website on the planet after Google. 

As if that’s not enough, video content makes up 11% of all content posted on Facebook and receives 8 billion daily views–and that’s before we even consider Facebook Live and its Story features. Videos are compelling, simple to comprehend, easier to watch, and have a greater emotional impact, so why not?

2). Video Marketing Enhances SEO and Boosts Conversions and Sales

31% of marketers use videos to boost SEO. That’s because adding video improves the quality of the page and the period of time visitors spend there. Customers are also more likely to buy after seeing some product videos because they describe and demonstrate things better. 

Consequently, videos not only enhance SEO by bringing more traffic to your site, but they also move the needle further by persuading those visitors to make a purchase. It is not surprising that more than 80% of marketers claim that video content aids in lead generation and conversion!

Why Is Video Marketing So Important

3). Videos Are Great for Educating and Building Trust

Making how-to videos, onboarding videos, support video calls, team videos, meet-the-team videos, tips, new trends and other types of videos helps educate your audience and establish brand credibility. They earn your audience’s trust easily because they add a human touch to things. 

They give viewers a chance to see the faces behind the company, helping them make a judgment about whether to place their trust in them. Naturally, videos feel more transparent than written content and other marketing materials. 

4). They Build Brand Awareness With Social Shares 

Video marketing helps you connect and engage with your target audience. It introduces your brand to the world, tells your story, highlights your products, and so much more. But guess what, it goes further than that—people share videos more than any other type of content. Compared to text and photos combined, social media videos are shared 12 times more!

5). Video Marketing Helps You Stand Out From the Crowd

Move in before your rivals do! Currently, video content is considered crucial by 92% of digital marketers. If you are left behind, it’s only a matter of time before you’re phased out. Start building your strategy today and grow as time moves. The wealth of advantages videos can offer a campaign is invaluable!

Inspire Works: Move the World With Stellar Video Production  

Video production is the backbone of marketing in the world we now live in. If you’re looking for a video marketing strategy, you’re not alone. Over 79% of marketers who hadn’t previously used video are now developing strategies, and 99% of those who already use it intend to use it more frequently. 

Nothing beats video marketing as an educational tool, for consumer conversion, and lead generation. That’s why you need both creative and high-quality video content. This is where Inspireworks comes into the picture. See how we change the world, video by video, by browsing our catalogue. Let’s work together! 

Give us a call today at 1300 885 968 or send us a message to learn more about our video podcasting services.